Sunday, April 25, 2010

TCC Corojo Cubano and the Rain

You know what I found? My invoice from Thompson. This makes naming these cigars way easier.

I also found matches. (I know some of you were worried.)

And rain. Lots and lots of rain. Buckets of it. Since I am a Cigar Freak I persevered and went out on the porch to smoke anyway. The cat, who usually accompanies me out onto the porch, was too scared of the lightning to hang out this time.

While I was out there I was faced with a dilemma: While the rain was torrential, I hadn't been sitting and, once the storm became somewhat calmer, the chair was soaked. Also, I ran out of ginger ale
in the midst of my cigar.

Now, these things are easily fixed when it is dry. Simply put the cigar on the side of the ashtray for a moment, run inside, grab a towel (come to think of it, why would I need a towel if it was dry? This is a flaw in my logic. Nevertheless, I continue), grab the 2 liter of ginger ale, and go back outside.

This is what I decided to do when I realized that the ashtray was a swimming pool at the moment and I had nowhere to put my cigar.

In fact, nowhere on the porch was dry. I wasn't going to take the cigar inside so I did the next best thing.

What I haven't mentioned yet is that before I went outside I put on my jacket. Unbeknownst to me, I had a few scraps of paper in there (read as bills) and with these I quickly fashioned a makeshift cigar holder (read as me putting the paper down and then the cigar on the paper as far away from the rain as possible and hanging slightly over so as not to burn the paper and damage the cigar). Voila! I dashed through the house, procuring both the towel and the ginger ale as quickly as possible before rescuing my cigar from almost certain doom.

"Whew!" I know right? Close one.

On to the cigar! Today I chose (I think) the TCC Corojo Cub (thank you invoice! Also, its the green labeled one in this picture. Couldn't find one of it by itself or didn't look hard enough). I haven't smoked them before because I wasn't sure what they were called and the wrapper isn't telling me jack. Here's what I have to say about it:

The ash. The ash was constantly mushrooming outward as I was smoking it and it definitely did NOT burn evenly.

The taste. The taste wasn't that great. It had that acrid aftertaste so many cheap/bad cigars usually have.

It is the first cigar I've tried out of the Powerhouse 30 that I am just not a fan of. I didn't enjoy this smoke as much as I should have (Rain notwithstanding).

I'm not going to give up on it quite yet however. I have four more of them in my humidor right now and perhaps that cigar was just a dud. I'll give it another go in a few days and see if my mind is changed.

So my fellow smokers/blog followers, What is your favorite smoke? (By smoke I mean cigar, not marijuana. I'm sure thats where a few of you were going to take this.) What cigars taste delicious to you?

Leave your comments below.

Keep em Lit!


  1. Hey Chris

    I have officially caught up on your blog. I dont smoke cigars and I honestly dont really have a big interest in them. BUT your blog is funny and I can hear you talking when I read it.

    makes me laugh!!

    Cigar party for the uneducated someday?

  2. You know it. We'll have one in May.

  3. yes we need to start planning that party...
