Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thank you for applying to become an Examiner

A friend of mine convinced me to apply to become the Baltimore Cigar Examiner which I think is a great idea!

I thought you might be interested (I have no idea why) in the questions I had to answer and which directions I didn't follow.

Without further ado (Well, maybe a little ado), the application (or at least the good bits):

What experiences or credentials do you have that qualify you to write as and examiner?

Cigar smoking is in my family. I remember my uncles and grandfather at family parties when I was young smoking delicious smelling cigars. They have always been a part of my life. I have been smoking cigars (quality and otherwise), for about twelve years. I receive shipments of cigars on a monthly basis and regularly blog about them.

As to my writing qualifications: I currently edit upper level college papers and write a fair share of my own. I have been writing (fiction and nonfiction) since before I began smoking. My style is very stream of consciousness and usually riddled with humor. If my blog is not enough to show you, feel free to ask and I'll send in a few other writing samples.

In your articles, what are some topics you would examine and why?

I plan on examining different cigars, and the gadgets that go along with cigar culture (cutters, pokers, lighters, humidors, etc.). I will focus on different cigar shops in Maryland as well as online shopping sites. There is also a lot of important legislature regarding tobacco products and culture currently in the works in the federal and state governments. I will discuss some of the effects they are having on cigar prices and smoking in general. It is my purpose to bring the cigar culture to as many people as possible. Smoking in general has gotten a bad rap recently and the tobacco culture is suffering. ...and to have fun.

(What I plan on doing is what I do in this blog. Then I'll probably copy and paste, replacing or deleting expletives if they don't appreciate foul language. They'll read this in a few days. Don't say you weren't warned Examiner!)

Sample article title: Excerpt, TCC Corojo Cubana and the Rain

Sample article: (I sent them a bit of the article. I am not repeating it here. If you want to see them go read my post TCC Corojo Cubana and the Rain. This may be why they don't accept me: They told me to write an article NOT in the first person. Considering this is an excerpt from my blog which is all in first person, either they are going to love it or not hire me.)

So that's my app. I should hear back within the next two weeks and I'll keep you posted.

Questions? Comments? General thoughts? What do you want to hear about? You are a pretty quiet bunch in the comment section. (Gives me things to talk about which is good for me and then I can make you read it by saying I mentioned you or what you said in the post... C'mon. C'mon!)

Keep em Lit!

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