Friday, April 16, 2010


Originally I was planning on starting a magazine and who knows? Perhaps a magazine will come out of this. I had -have? had? very specific reasons for wanting to make a magazine. The biggest reason is that I love cigars. The other reasons I posted on my facebook wall. I’ll copy and paste that here:

So here’s the thing. Originally i’m thinking I want to make a cigar magazine. I read Cigar Aficianado the other day and let me tell you, I feel the same way about that magazine as I do about Playboy: You buy the magazine expecting to see a particular thing… and then you flip it open and are like… What the fuck are all of these non-related articles doing here?

But!!! I can see how you would need a few other things in there… I just think you should somehow relate them to cigars/naked chicks (depending on the magazine)

So Yeah. It would be so easy, just incorporate a cigar into the pictures and maybe a discussion by whoever is being interviewed on their favorite brands/times/ways to smoke or some such.

I want to create a magazine that I would want to read. I’m not saying don’t have articles about other things, just make them relate to the overall theme of the magazine in some way…. See More (Apparently facebook wants a see more here. I’m leaving it. There is no more there though, I just went back and checked.)

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Want to Collaborate? Article Ideas? What would YOU want to see in a cigar magazine?

Thats what I posted a while ago. I still feel that way. (ok now I have to re-read it to make sure of that) Ok. I do still feel that way.

So the purpose of this blog is going to be… (I’m double spacing somehow now. These blogs are going to look wierd until I figure out how to deal with this stuff) what is described above.

I’m going to discuss cigars that I like/don’t like things that are happening in the cigar world. Cigars that I’ve been smoking. Cigars that taste great for everyday smokers that aren’t filthy rich. Places to buy cigars. cigars that cigars when cigared. Cigars, cigars cigars cigars: Cigars. (Is anyone reading this?) Probably not.

Look for my next post on either Ashton’s or the Don Lugo I smoked last night (or both)

Keep em lit!

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