Friday, April 16, 2010

El Artista Bambina

Ok Ok I know what you're thinking... This guy told us earlier that he was going to talk about Ashton's or Don Lugo's. What is this El Artista crap?

Let me explain... No. Is too much. Let me sum up: I literally just finished an El Artista Bambina and decided to write about what was fresh in my mind.

Now that we've got that out of the way, lets begin our journey in the middle: I go to my favorite cigar website Thompson Cigar (they don't pay me for this they are just that awesome... Come to think of it, they'd be pretty freaking awesome if they did pay me for this. Think about it guys!) and sign up for their SWEET 250 Club. (Its FREE!!) If you're a pretty frequent smoker -DO THIS NOW. I'll wait for you to get back to continue.

....(Insert your own Jeopardy music here)

Everybody back? Happy now? Good. As you now know you'll be receiving either a free humidor or a free six pack of cigars with your first 250 club shipment.

My first shipment came in about six days and since I got their Powerhouse 30 Sampler I now have lots of cigars I've never tried before to check out. Tonight, completely at random, I chose this El Artista Bambina for a smoke.

I know people have very sophisticated ways of grading cigars.

I also know I just got 36 cigars for around $50. This means that they are cheap cigars and indeed you can get packs of El Artista Bambina for Cheap. Don't believe me? The capital C in Cheap didn't convince you? Non-believers Click Here.

I also also know that I do not have a sophisticated way of grading cigars. I can tell you if they taste good to me. My first El Artista Bambina wasn't a bad smoke. It wasn't as good as the Don Lugo (See I talked about it) but I've had some seven and eight dollar cigars that weren't as good as the Bambina. After clipping it the wrapper wanted to unravel a bit but a little saliva made it good as new.

The burn wasn't as consistent as the Don Lugo which amazingly burned like an Ashton. In other words really well.

There was none of that acrid taste you sometimes get with lousy (in my opinion) cigars.

I enjoyed the smoke. I think you will too.

It wasn't anywhere near as good as an Ashton (Two for two) but it was a decent smoke and I think its a good choice for anyone on a budget.

El Artista Bambina: You are a decent smoke.

Don Lugo
: You're fast becoming one of my favorites.

Ashton's (pretty much all of them): I've never met an Ashton I didn't like. You're still number one in my life.

Keep em Lit!

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